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Battle is Over – A Nation's Tribute

13th February 2017 @ 6:06am – by Tarvin Webteam
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At the last Parish Council meeting note was made that there will be a national commemoration on 11 November 2018 to mark 100 years since the end of World War I. It will be called "Battle is Over – A Nation's Tribute".
"Beacons will be lit across the country at 7.00 pm, symbolising the "light of hope" that emerged from the darkness of war.


The Parish Council felt that such acts of remembrance are very important and will look at establishing its own beacon on a prominent site in the Parish."

Already there are over 300 Town and Parish Councils planning to join in.

This item intrigued me so a little digging was necessary.

In commemoration and remembrance of the end of the war and the many millions who were killed or came home dreadfully wounded, a chain of 1,000 beacons will be lit throughout the United Kingdom, Channel Islands, Isle of Man and UK Overseas Territories on the 11th November 2018 – a century after the guns fell silent.
Not often enough do such events also focus on the huge army of men and women on the home front who, often in dangerous and exhausting conditions, helped the war effort – keeping the wheels of industry turning, bringing the harvests home and ensuring the nation did not starve.

Planning is already starting across the country as it always take longer than you might think and several cost-effective ways of participating in the chain of beacons have been suggested by the national team coordinating this event.

(1) Use existing beacon braziers on tall wooden poles erected in 1988 and for other recent anniversaries.

(2) Use gas-fueled beacons lit for The Queen's Diamond Jubilee in 2012.

(3) Use the gas-fueled VE beacons lit to commemorate the 70th Anniversary of VE Day in 2015.

(4) Use the gas-fueled beacons lit for The Queen's 90th birthday in April this year.

(5) Build a traditional bonfire beacon.

Can you remember what Tarvin did on these previous occasions?
Any new suggestions?

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