Tarvinonline were pleased to be among the audience of over 100 students, Staff, and Governors, that attended the Tarporley Sixth Form College Parliamentary "Question Time" event held on Friday, 24th April at Tarporley High School. click here
The five prospective Parliamentary candidates were present representing Conservative, Labour, Lib Dem, Green Party and UKIP, all of whom are standing for election in the Eddisbury Ward which includes Tarvin as well as Tarporley and Kelsall
Left to Right in photo: Tina Everton (Tarporley High) James Laing (Labour) Rob Millington (UKIP) Antoinette Sandbach (Conservative) Andrew Garman (Green) Ian Priestner (LibDem), last person on right, Jason Lowe (Tarporley High)
All the questions were devised and asked by Sixth Form students, and the 'question master' was Jason Lowe, Director of Sixth Form and Deputy Head Teacher who ensured that each question was answered by all the candidates in turn, and within time!
Questions raised included:
"What would they increase spending on in the local area?
Answers ranged from "Prioritise the roll-out of Superfast Broadband" (Con) to improving NHS and create more footpaths " (LibDem) to "Scrap HS2 to pay for more housing."(UKIP)
"What would be the effect on Universities of the proposed reduction in fees in the Labour Manifesto?"
Answers included "Will reduce number of courses" (UKIP), "Fees are denying students opportunities" (LibDem), "Fees have increased courses offered and students attending higher education" (Con), whilst the Greens would "scrap tuition fees." The Conservative candidate did point out that in Wales there are no fees however, as a result, student places are capped.
"How can we protect our villages from development?"
The Green party would use "the Neighbourhood Plan approach (enshrined in the Localism Act)" whilst LibDem conceded that the Localism Act "Has let us down!" The Conservatives support the use of Neighbourhood Plans whilst UKIP want to use Brownfield sites but somehow they are restricted "by EU!" Labour want to change how planning is done using a system used in other EU Countries that hands control to a local Council, and will "create a Private Members Bill if they are in power"
How would it benefit the UK to leave the Eu?"
As expected the UKIP candidate was for leaving the EU and the benefits included "save us money, and increase our opportunities to trade with other areas or countries (e.g Commonwealth)". The Conservative response was "a renegotiation on our terms and a referendum in 2017," and Labour could see only "negatives and is worried by Russia." The Greens regard the EU membership as "a huge benefit that provides peace and legislation to keep us safe, but it needs to evolve." LibDems are the Free Trade Party and want the Eu to become a "Free Trade Area."
"What are their plans to overcome the shortage of doctors in the NHS?"
The Green response was "NHS is overmanaged and dependent from people from overseas." Labour agrees that "The NHS needs to attract people to work there, and, that the doctors, nurses and specialists require more respect for the job that they are doing." The LibDems are "committing to spending £8billion on the NHS and will join up Health Care and Social Care."
The Conservatives agree that there are "some issues around working hours which will need to be addressed." UKIP would "Increase the number of doctors & nurses and that the NHS should be free for all UK residents."
The final question was a bit tricky to answer honestly "If you had to vote for another party who would you vote for?"
Surprisingly the LibDems would vote for the Greens, whilst the Greens would vote Labour. Labour would also vote for the Greens, UKIP would vote Tory , and the Tory would destroy her ballot paper!
This was a great way for students to get involved in the Election, especially as a large number present had registered to vote, and would be using their vote.
Ed:"Look out for our own Question and Answer session with the candidates in the run-up to the General Election"
Also: Ed"Many thanks goes to Tarporley High for the invitation and to all the Candidates present"
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